Kazakhstan: a new vegetable store opened
Near Turkestan, a new vegetable store was built, reported Fruit-Inform project. Cold store is designed for storing 20 tonnes of vegetables and fruits and situated near the country lands. The construction of modern vegetable store is a result of the grant within the framework of the project “Increase of competitiveness of agrarian produce”. The competition was held by the Ministry of agriculture and the World Bank of Reconstruction and Development.
Costs of construction and equipping of the vegetable store totaled 52.566 euro. This way, foreign investments were necessary to get into business. Equipment from German producers helps to keep the produce fresh for a long-term period.
The question of storing of vitamin produce on the South is topical. Efforts of farmers with the government support leads to increase of production of fruits and vegetables. But at the moment, number of vegetable stores is insufficient. New vegetable store will give an opportunity for farmers to sell their produce at the acceptable prices.