Belarus: 93 % of potato lands harvested
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, as of October 20, 2008, potatoes were harvested from 44.202 ha that is more that 93.5 % from the plan, reported Fruit-Inform project.
According to the provided information, as of the current date, 92.765 tonnes of potatoes were harvested with the yield of 236.95 c/ha.
The average yield of potatoes totaled 204.96 ha. The highest yield was observed in the farms of Grodnensk and Mogilev oblast – 234.38 c/ha and 236.95 c/ha respectively.
794.000 tonnes of potatoes were harvested by agrarian farms in the last year. The yield exceeded 186 c/ha. Belarus ranks eighth place in the world on potato production, and the first place – on production per head.