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October 24 2008, 14:43

Ukraine: prices for hothouse vegetables continue increasing

Demand for hothouse tomatoes and cucumbers remain stably high that allows sellers to increase prices. According to the information provided by the specialists of Fruit-Inform project, most industrial complexes started liquidation harvesting, some complexes sold the last lots of harvested produce during the last week.

The positive moment for domestic producers is that a part of imported cucumbers and tomatoes on the inner market remained relatively low. The reason is that agrarian enterprises in Turkey which is the main suppliers of cucumbers and tomatoes on the Ukrainian market, have just started harvesting. So, mass supply of Turkish produce to the domestic market will start only by the end of October. Although Ukrainian companies do not plan to force purchasing of imported cucumbers and tomatoes due to unstable situation on the currency market.

You can get the detailed information about development prospects for hothouse industry in Ukraine and Russia and the most important directions of fruit and vegetable produce trade between these countries during the largest conferences in the CIS: the Third International Conference "Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia - 2008" and the Fifth International Conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2008".

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