Ukraine: crisis leads to price increasing for apples
Global financial crisis has a substantial impact on Ukrainian fruit market. Particularly, apple qrowers who faced price decreasing for this produce, will get a support from course decrease of Ukrainian currency as s result of significant increase of production volumes.
Andrey Yarmak, specialist of Fruit-Inform project, reported that decrease of the Ukrainian currency course would lead to price increase for imported fruits and decrease of purchasing capacity would force customers to buy cheaper products. As a result, in December, Ukrainian apple producers will be able to sell the produce at the higher price level. At the same time, a problem of modern fruit storages remains relevant. But in the conditions of crisis, this construction is complicated.
The detailed information about situation in the apple business of Ukraine and price prospects for 2009 will be presented during the Fifth International Conference "Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine 2008". To participate in the conference, an application form should to be filled.