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November 26 2008, 10:21

Ukraine: main reasons of reduction in prices for vegetables

According to the monitoring data of IA APK-Inform, trade rates on the Ukrainian vegetable market remain extremely low. Farms which have direct connections with supermarket chains have serious difficulties. At the moment, supermarkets practically do not sign deals with suppliers due to financial difficulties, besides, many of them reduced purchasing volumes and increased terms of payment.

Producers decreased prices for many vegetable crops, however, this produce is still in low demand from fresh products sellers as well as processors. For example, at the moment, prices for cabbage and onion increased by 50-70%, compared to the last year.

At that, according to specialists of fruit and vegetable direction of IA “APK-Inform”, world economic crisis and other market factors are the reasons for low prices and trade difficulties.

The detailed information about the influence of trade situation of the current season on market development in the next MY will be presented during the Fifth International Conference "Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine 2008". To participate in the conference, an application form should to be filled.

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