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February 11 2003, 13:16 APK-Inform

Consumer price index in Ukraine increased 1.5 percent in January

In January 2003 index of consumer prices increased by 1.5 percent, which is in line with forecast of the Ministry of Economy, news agency Liga On-Line has informed. In January 2002 the index increased 1 percent.

Prices for foodstuffs showed a 2 percent increase, which was the very factor that determined the general inflation level. It took place mostly on account of seasonal price increase for fruit & vegetable group (potatoes - 15.1 percent, vegetables - 28.4 percent, fruits - 8.7 percent), butter (3.2 percent), milk and diary products (2.0 percent). Besides, the prices rose for flour (0.9 percent) and bread (0.2 percent). Meat prices continued to decrease (minus 1.4 percent).

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