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January 20 2009, 12:23

Moldova: simplification of agrarian produce exports procedure

According to the information, provided by the Ministry of agriculture and food industry of Moldova, officials of the Ministry made a decision on simplification of fresh fruits exports procedure. Thus laboratories which will issue certificates needed for exports of fresh produce will be equipped with modern technique that will allow increasing competitiveness of Moldavian fruits on the international markets. Many market participants reported that these arrangements would support the exports of apples to the Russian Federation that is one of the most important sale markets for Moldavian produce.

Should be noted that earlier, representatives of the Russian Federation reported that since December 12th of 2009, fresh fruit produce would be imported to Russia on the base of certificates issued by laboratories accredited by the Federal Service of phytosanitary control of Russia.

According to the statistics data of the Ministry of agriculture, since January till October of 2008, Moldova exported 43.200 tonnes of fruits and vegetables, the general value of exports totaled 32,3 mln euro.

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