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February 26 2003, 12:03 Interfax-Ukraine

Winter crops condition continues to deteriorate - Ukraine's weather centre

Condition of winter crops in Ukraine continues to get worse, specialists of Ukraine's Centre of Hydrometeorology have informed.

According to the Head of the Centre's Agricultural Department Tetyana Adamenko, as of February 26, 45 percent of plantings, or about 3.8 million hectares, are covered with icy crust. In some regions the crust has been in presence for 45 to 60 days already.

Specialists say another 5 to 15 percent of crops might be killed. If today's weather conditions stay on till mid-March, the situation will be still worse.

The meteorologists say no sharp increase of temperature up to 10 degrees Celsius, needed for improvement of condition of winter crops, is expected within nearest days. According to the weather centre, 28 percent of plantings, or about 2.4 million hectares, have already been killed to date. Winter barley and rape, which are especially cold-sensitive, have been lost completely.

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