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July 2 2003, 09:40 Interfax-Ukraine

Ukraine's government states stabilisation in the market of grain processing products

Price situation in the market of flour, groats and pasta goods is stabilising, Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture Ivan Kyrylenko stated at the joint sitting of representatives of government and parliament, devoted to the situation in the country's agrarian sector, on Tuesday, Interfax-Ukraine news agency informed.

The rush demand in the market will subside after the government takes relevant measures, Kyrylenko said.

The Minister of Economy and for the Issues of European Integration Valery Khoroshkivsky noted that the peak of prices for some food products had already been passed, which was testified by price monitoring, performed by the government.

According to the government's data, as of today 18 regions of Ukraine out of 27 are fully provided with grain. In the majority of regions regulation of flour prices has been introduced by way of imposing limitations upon the levels of profitability. The Anti-Monopoly Committee and the Inspectorate for Protection of the Consumer Rights have revealed numerous abuses in the market of flour, in particular, concealment of the goods.

During the last two weeks there has been rush demand for flour, groats and pasta goods in Ukraine, which resulted in considerable price growth for these goods. In some regions local authorities have introduced regulation of prices for bread.

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