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May 27 2010, 14:35 Fruit-Inform

Will Ukraine export any early cabbage this year?

According to "«Fruit-Inform»" analysts, the early cabbage market trends of 2009 has been repeated. Price for the first early cabbage reached 15-20 gr/kg (1.5-2 евро). Middle May saw price reduction down to 2.5-3 gr/kg (0.25-0.3 евро). The early cabbage is still in great demand. However the price keeps on going down daily due to dynamically growing domestic supply. Yesterday the wholesale prices on the markets of southern regions of Ukraine were close to 1,2-1,7 gr/kg (0.12-0.17 евро). Today the price went down to 0,9-1,3 gr/kg (0.09-0.13 евро).

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