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June 4 2010, 17:59 Fruit-Inform

The 34th PROGNOSFRUIT conference

Dear Sir / Madam. On behalf of organizers, I’m pleased to invite you to the 34th PROGNOSFRUIT conference, which will be held this year in Ukraine!

The Conference will be held in Kyiv on August 5-7. PROGNOSFRUIT is a very important annual event for the fruit industry. At this conference WAPA (World Apple and Pear Association) announces the forecast for the world apple and pear harvest for the next marketing season and presents analysis of the results of the previous marketing year. This conference is also used as a platform for discussions about issues which the fruit industry is facing on a global and by country levels.

At the Conference web-site you can find information about the conference, its venue, program, organizers, partner and sponsors as well there is a clear navigation, helping register your participation on-line.

The early registration deadline with discounts is June 14, 2010!

Conference organizers WAPA, COPA COGECA and IFC

will be glad to see you at the Conference!

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