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July 22 2003, 14:59 APK-Inform

President signed law about duty-free grain imports to Ukraine till Dec. 31

President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma has signed the law "About Amendments into Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "About State Regulation of Import of Agricultural Products", which will provide for imports of wheat and rye to the country at zero rate of customs duty till December 31, 2003. The law comes into effect since the date of publishing.

On July 9 Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) approved the final version of the draft law, submitted by a group of deputies earlier.

Enactment of this law will not influence trading relations of Ukraine with Russia and Kazakhstan, because Ukraine has free trade agreements with these two countries. However, it will allow Ukrainian traders to import wheat and rye from European countries, Canada, Argentina, the US and others.

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