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July 23 2003, 13:28 APK-Inform

State of sugar beet crop improved

According to specialists from Ukrainian sugar industry association "Ukrtsukor", after the fallen rains the situation with the sugar beet plantings in Ukraine as a whole has been improved.

As of July 20, 2003 the average root weight throughout Ukraine constituted 128 grams (as of the same date last year - 136 grams). The ten-day accretion of roots was 52 grams (46 grams over the corresponding period last year). Foliage weight was 292 grams (263 grams as of July 20, 2002). The foliage accretion over ten days made 99 grams (43 grams last year).

Sugar content in the beet is at the level of 9.4 percent (11 percent last year).

Density of plantings makes 76,000 plants/hectare. On the same date last year the density was 82,000 plants per hectare.

This year's sugar beet yield is forecast at the level of 18.9 tonnes per hectare. Gross crop is expected in the amount of 15.117 million tonnes.

This year the farmers have planted 814,100 hectares of beet. 13,500 hectares have been depreciated to the moment.

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