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September 8 2010, 12:19 Fruit-Inform

Apple production in Balkan states will decrease by 10-15%

According to estimations of "" , in 2010, apple production in Balkan states (former Yugoslavian republics: Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) may decrease by 10-15%. Extreme weather conditions led to loss of significant part of harvest were the main cause of production decrease.

According to Serbian fruit and vegetable market specialists' opinion, fresh apple production was down due to surplus fall-out resulted in wide spread of pests and diseases, and orchard productivity decrease. Besides this, the year 2010 was characterized with large amount of hail fall-out. As most orchards in region do not have anti-hail protection, losses turned out to be more than usual.

Predicted production decrease takes place simultaneously with rapid expansion of areas under intensive apple orchards, specially in Macedonia and Serbia. Taking into account apple production decrease in EU and Russia, prices for this product may grow rather fast in the region.

Serbia has a special trade agreement with the Russian Federation that allows this Balkan state to pay only 1% import tariff, while other suppliers from non-CIS countries pay averagely 20-40% tariffs. That's why the Russian market is a key one for Serbia.

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