Prices for lemons break records even till the beginning of flu epidemic in Ukraine
According to analysts of Fruit-Inform, prices for lemons break all records in Ukraine. Currently, wholesale prices for lemons reach UAH 20-24/kg (EUR 1.93-2.32/kg) that is an absolute record for Ukraine.
This is practically 1.5 times higher than average prices for lemons in the similar period of the previous year when price situation with lemons was warmed up with agio over flu epidemic. This year, flu has not occurred yet, but retail prices for lemons reached UAH 30/kg (EUR 2.90/kg) and higher that makes this product upmarket and hard-to-get for a consumer.
Leading fruit importers deny to comment this situation, even on a no-name basis. This fact gives the idea of problems to emerge at the level of state, as businessmen are unlikely to be concerned of their colleagues-competitors or suppliers in such a way. This hypothesis was further confirmed. According to our information, main cause of growth of prices for lemons (and not only for lemons) is a sharp increase of prices to be considered by customs as market ones and other unclear factors. This situation was already experienced by foreign suppliers. As to them, supplies of lemons to Ukraine decreased by about one third.
According to Andrey Yarmak, Head of the project Fruit-Inform, growth of prices for lemons does not currently have great impact on consumers, as consumption of lemons during such period of time is comparatively low. But already in October, imports of lemons usually increase 2-3 times. And as to such situation at customs, real import volumes may be recordly low in 2010 due to retail price higher than UAH 30/kg (EUR 2.90/kg) to scare away a significant part of consumers.