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August 18 2003, 16:15 APK-Inform

Sunflower starts ripening in southern regions

According to information from Ukraine's Centre of Hydro-Meteorology, ripening of sunflower crop has started on most of the plantings in Odessa, Nikolaev, Zaporozhye, Kherson oblasts and AR of Crimea. In other regions of the main growing zone formation of baskets is still underway.

On some areas of southern regions full ripening of seeds has been registered. The state of plantings is predominantly good, in eastern regions - fair. Growth of plants has practically stopped, with stand height of 110 to 180 cm, in better plantings - up to 240 cm.

Towards August 10 the diameter of baskets constituted 15 to 22 cm, in better plantings - up to 26 cm.

Moisturising of soil under sunflower is varied. In eastern regions, which received the largest amounts of rainfall, and in the south of Odessa region the stocks of moisture in the metre layer constituted 90 to 160 mm. On most of the areas of Kherson, Nikolaev, Kirovograd and Zaporozhye oblasts moisturising of the meter soil layer under sunflower does not exceed 30 to 60 mm.

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