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October 5 2010, 11:19 Fruit-Inform

Prices for fruit and veg decreased by 2% within a week

Fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform shows that cost of fruit and vegetable basket of a Ukrainian consumer decreased by 2% within the last week. The most valuable contribution to decrease of 13 main fruits and vegetables' cost was made by potatoes that fell by about 10% within a week (more detailed information about decrease of prices for potatoes is available here ).

In addition to potatoes, drop of prices was registered for lemons and table grapes that were other “favorites” of publications in mass-media. Prices for lemons decreased as a result of cheaper produce to become available from Turkey (but not of improvement of situation at customs). As of grapes, prices for them dropped due to growth of supply at market, especially thanks to supplies of cheaper grapes from Moldova. Also, slight decrease in prices was registered for carrots that are being harvested now.

The only products in basket to keep on growing in price were cucumbers and tomatoes. However, their consumption kept on decreasing in proportion to growth of prices. Taking into account that weather forecasters predict ground frosts in the nearest days, prices for these vegetables may rather sharply increase already during this week.

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