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October 5 2010, 12:04 Fruit-Inform

Fruit and vegetable inflation reached 13% in September

Monthly fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform that is calculated on the basis of our own daily monitoring of wholesale prices shows that the most consumed fruits and vegetables grew in price averagely by 13% in September.

The main contribution to increase of cost of fruit and vegetable basket was made by cucumbers and tomatoes that have grown in price by 33%. However, this was a usual seasonal tendency. Fruits to have been a lot written about increased in price by 14%. If not a sharp decrease in prices for lemons in the last week of September, then growth of prices would have been more significant.

Increase of prices for borsch vegetables (borsch is a popular Ukrainian soup cooked with such vegetables, as potatoes, cabbages, beetroots, carrots, and onions) by 5% within September also had its contribution to overall growth of prices. It should be noted that a dynamic growth was observed in the first half of the month, but, in the second half, prices were decreasing. Only cabbages and onions slightly dropped in price by just 2-3% within the month.

It is interesting to mention that the last year fruit and vegetable index for September showed the same 13% of growth, thanks to cucumbers, tomatoes and borsch vegetables too. As for fruits, to the contrary, they decreased in price in September of the last year.

According to Fruit-Inform, fruit and vegetable basket of a Ukrainian consumer grew in cost by 25% in August. So, Ukrainians' expenses for buying fruits and vegetables in the late September were higher by 41% than in the late July of this year.

A detailed information about main categories of fruit and vegetable produce price forecasts for the second half of the season and preliminary production and price forecast for the season 2011/2012 will be presented in course of work of the seventh international conference “Vegetables and fruit of Ukraine 2010.

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