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October 15 2010, 12:17 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine burst into group of three major suppliers of apples to Russia

According to analysts of Fruit-Inform, Ukraine burst into group of three major suppliers of fresh apples to Russian market. And we say “burst”, as, two years ago, Ukraine was not even amongst ten major suppliers.

If during all 2008, Ukraine exported only 25,000 tonnes of apples to Russia, then within the first 8 months of 2010, supplies of Ukrainian apples to Russian market have already exceed 60,000 tonnes. This fact is more striking when taking into account that the largest volume of supplies is usually conducted in September through December. Hence, Ukraine has already outrun such key suppliers of apples to Russia, as the Netherlands, Moldova, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, and Belgium. Ukraine is behind of only Poland and China in supplies of fresh apples to the Russian Federation.

“Ukrainian apple business experiences a period of rapid development due to expansion of area under intensive groves and active development of infrastructure”, Andrey Yarmak, Head of Project Fruit-Inform, tells. “Taking into account a high interest in apple business of Ukraine, we systematized all experience of Ukrainian and global apple business for the first time in CIS in one fundamental study «Apples of Ukraine: situation and prospects of production, storage, post harvest handling, processing, and marketing» ”, - expert continues. Results of this fundamental study show that Ukraine will have serious impact on change of situation in apple business in Eastern Europe.

The study completed this week will be interesting for those companies that already work in apple business in Ukraine, as well as for those who just show interest in investments into this business. For ordering the study, please, fill in the following form.

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