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October 18 2010, 13:15 Fruit-Inform

All about apple business in Ukraine

Project ”Fruit-Inform” announces that the study ”Apples of Ukraine: situation and prospects of production, storage, post harvest handling, processing, and marketing” is already available for market participants.

Ukraine enters number of the largest importers of apples in Europe, notwithstanding very good conditions for growing of almost all popular varieties, even better than in Europe, prices and mechanism of state subsidies for growers. However, already in the nearest years, proportions of apple production, imports and exports will seriously change. There are a lot of large, medium and small projects of intensive gardening appearing in Ukraine. This and other important aspects and prospects of apple business in Ukraine are covered in this study.

It will be interesting for professional producers, as well as investors planning possibilities of foundation of apple groves, as this study includes fundamental information about current situation with production, storage, post harvest handling, processing, marketing, and specificity of apple market (including imports and exports) and shows 5-year prospects of its development. This study is able to answer the question: “What is apple business today and what will it be in 5 years?” Besides market information, the study provides useful information about mechanism of receiving subsidies for foundation of apple groves and constructing of storage facilities.

The study costs EUR 590. For subscribers of any service package at the moment of order, its cost is EUR 490.

You may look through contents of the study through a link: ”Apples of Ukraine: situation and prospects of production, storage, post harvest handling, processing, and marketing” .

Also the following studies of Project Fruit-Inform are available for fruit and vegetable market participants:

”Potato business of Russia and Ukraine-2010. Situation and prospects of development”

”Fruit and vegetable market of Ukraine 2010: fundamental study of the season's results and forecasts for the following season

”Study of fresh produce cold chain in Ukraine. Situation with respect to storage facilities and economics of key storable crops”

As of today, all studies are completed 100%.

Also, it should be noted that Project ”Fruit-Inform” regularly receives orders for conducting private researches on fruit and vegetable market of CIS, from price references to individual global studies according to client's criteria.

On all additional questions concerning studies of Project ”Fruit-Inform”, please, contact to:

Andrey Yarmak, Head of Project ”Fruit-Inform”, +380 67 6342622, [email protected]

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