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February 11 2011, 15:58 Fruit-Inform

Final program of the conference “Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011”

Program of the third international conference “Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011” in the current year is broadened with information about borsch vegetables (onions, cabbages, beets, carrots), as reported by organizers of the event – Fruit-Inform Project and ORSP Shuvar.

As of today, the program is 100% completed and includes 2 working days – February 24 and 25.

The first day, February 24, will include the following sessions:

1. Market for potatoes and borsch vegetables (onions, cabbages, beets, carrots).

2. Market for potato and borsch vegetable (onion, cabbage, beet, carrot) seeds.Modern growing technologies – movement towards consumer.

3. Economic efficiency of different potato and borsch vegetable (onion, cabbage, beet, carrot) storage and post-harvest handling technologies.

4. Potato marketing in Ukraine: efficiency analysis of different market outlets.

5. Potato Club in Ukraine.

The second day of the conference, February 25, will include the training seminar for potato producers “Production of high-quality potatoes is the business of professionals” by prof. Peter Schumann, Germany.

Pay your attention that registration for participation in the international conference-exhibition “Potatoes and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011” will be in process till February 18 inclusive. Accordingly, preliminary list of participants of the conference will be released February 18.

The conference-exhibition “Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011” will traditionally take place at ORSP Shuvar, Khutorovka 4 b, Lvov, Ukraine.

More detailed information about conditions for participation, updated program of the conference and application to fill in are available at http://www.lol.org.ua/eng/conferences/pu2011/.

On all questions concerning the conference, please, contact

foreign economic activity department of Fruit-Inform Project:

tel/fax: +380 562 320795

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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