The modern technologies of vegetable production and the opportunities of the effective produce marketing were introduced during the Field day in Lviv oblast
On the 12th of July 2005 the Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) conducted the Field day in Zhidachiv rayon, Lviv oblast. Among 80 participants there were the representatives of the leading input supply companies (Clause Tezier, Bejo, Seminis, Nickerson, Agrimatko and others), whose products were presented on the demosite. The representatives of the processing enterprises, wholesale/retail trade, and the leaders of farming enterprises - agricultural producers also participated in the event.
More than 240 varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops were demonstrated on the Field day. There were some new crops, not so popular before in Lviv oblast - new cabbage types, such as savoy, Pekinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi. The participants could also see herb crops and new bean varieties. The non-seedling technology of tomato production was demonstrated on the Field day; this method is new for the Western region. On the moment of the event conduction the plants were in the stage of fruit formation; still the harvest promises to be rich. On the Field day the professional vegetable producers got the information about the utilization of agrifibre for early onion, potato, carrot, herbs production; about the vegetable production on mounds and about the possibility to produce bulb onion from seeds during one year. All the mentioned agricultural practices and methods let the producers not only have rich harvest, but also marketable produce for the more efficient sales through the retail trade channels.
The alternative sales channels for the Lviv oblast farmers, the examples of the effective utilization of the marketing tools by AMP partners were introduced in the presentation of the specialist of Lviv AMP office.
The representatives of the retail chain, wholesale company and the processing enterprises shared the requirements to the produce they are ready to purchase.
All the participants pointed out the importance and need for such events; as Petro Sokol, the farmer, said: "I have been producing agricultural commodities for a long time, but time passes by, and now some new and more perspective varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops are introduced. And one can know about them only on such events as this Field day. Besides, I got acquainted with the representatives of the different companies on market, heard about the cooperation possibilities. Such events are of a great importance now, as the producers can not only see the novelties in the agricultural industry and get acquainted with the potential buyers, but also talk to the other producers, share experience, problems and the possible solutions".
The handout materials of this Field day and other information related to the fruit and vegetable production and marketing can be anytime inquired in Lviv AMP office, tel: (032) 294-95-65 and (032) 294-95-66, e-mail: