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Total companies: 8012
Company | Company type | Registration data |
Орос ФХ | Private family farms | May 27 2004 |
Молот КФХ | Private family farms | May 27 2004 |
Продсервис ДП | Processing companies | May 26 2004 |
"Рынок Привоз" Коммунальное предприятие | Retailers | May 26 2004 |
Шеби ЧП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | May 25 2004 |
Бобе ФГ | Private family farms | May 25 2004 |
Совхоз Янтарный КП | Private family farms | May 25 2004 |
Сим-Сим ООО | Processing companies | May 25 2004 |
Маяки ПКФ | Private family farms | May 25 2004 |
Диамант МЧП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | May 21 2004 |
Уманс. ГАУ НПП (каф. овощ.) | Others | May 21 2004 |
Укравтозапчасть | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | May 21 2004 |
Ника-Пласт ПКФ | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | May 21 2004 |
Холявчук ЧСХ | Private producers - household plot owners | May 18 2004 |
Богдан-Агро Дочернее предприятие | Processing companies | May 14 2004 |
Пидкова ФХ | Private family farms | May 14 2004 |
Агроком ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | May 13 2004 |
Рубель ЧСХ | Private producers - household plot owners | May 13 2004 |
Курчатка ПТ | Others | May 13 2004 |
Кристалл ФХ | Private family farms | May 11 2004 |