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Total companies: 8012
Company | Company type | Registration data |
Клоз Тезье в Украине | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | May 11 2004 |
Слободяника ЧСХ | Private producers - household plot owners | May 11 2004 |
Степаненко ФХ | Private family farms | May 11 2004 |
Лис ФХ | Private family farms | May 11 2004 |
Петренко ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | May 11 2004 |
Харьковские геоинформационные системы ООО | Private family farms | May 7 2004 |
ПИК Атма-Спорт | Processing companies | May 7 2004 |
КСП им. 8 Марта | Private family farms | May 6 2004 |
Ольга ФХ | Private family farms | May 6 2004 |
Агролан ЧП | Large farms | May 6 2004 |
Краснореченский филиал АОЗТ Лисичанская птицефабрика | Others | May 6 2004 |
Мария СФХ | Private family farms | April 29 2004 |
Нове життя ЧСП | Private producers - household plot owners | April 29 2004 |
Петровка Агрофирма ООО | Others | April 28 2004 |
Агро-Черкассы ООО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | April 28 2004 |
Каскад | Wholesalers | April 28 2004 |
Галнафтохим ЗАО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | April 27 2004 |
Агро-Авто-Запчасти ПМТЗ ООО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | April 27 2004 |
Волынская фондовая компания | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | April 27 2004 |
Новопсковпродтовары АОЗТ | Processing companies | April 26 2004 |