Poland faces growth of prices for farming lands
According to information of Fruit-Inform, prices for farming lands grow in Poland. Average selling price of private land in the third quarter of the current year amounted to EUR 4,590/ha and was by EUR 279/ha higher than in 2009.
Lasting growth of prices, notwithstanding global financial crisis, shows that investors' interest to agrarian sector remains high. Besides this, it gives a great advantage to Ukraine against Poland and other EU-members, as an investor spends from EUR 50 to EUR 1,000 for long-term agricultural tenancy right in this country. And this means that a cost of “entrance ticket” to agrarian business is considerably lower. Other important advantage of Ukraine is a large average size of field having a great influence on prime costs of crop production, and high quality of land, access to water and possibility of growing of practically all main agricultural cultures.
Fruit and vegetable sector of Ukraine allows to grow successfully almost all main varieties of apples, open-ground tomatoes, sweet pepper, hazelnuts, cherries, apricots, peaches, table grapes, and many other warm-season crops. More information about investment opportunities of fruit and vegetable business of Ukraine will be included in presentations of major investors of the sector and independent experts in course of work of the seventh international conference “Vegetables and Fruit of Ukraine-2010” . This event will traditionally gather all leading experts and major enterprises of the sector and is to take place at “Ekspotsentr Ukrainy”, Kiev, Ukraine, on December 1-2, 2010. On-line registration is accessible within a week through this link.