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September 1 2003, 14:14 Interfax-Ukraine

"Khlib Ukarainy" will import from Kazakhstan the first 40,000 t of grain in September

State Joint-Stock Company "Khlib Ukrainy" plans to import in September the first portion of grain from Kazakhstan in the amount of 40,000 tonnes under the intergovernmental agreement, the company's Head of Board Mykola Kucher has informed.

Ukraine plans to buy from Kazakhstan about 1.2 million tonnes of grain at a price of about 600 to 750 hryvnias per tonne ($113 to 141/t, transportation costs and VAT included). Out of this amount 800,000 tonnes will be purchased under the intergovernmental agreement and another 400,000 tonnes - under business contracts between Ukrainian and Kazakh firms.

According to forecasts of market operators, import of grain to Ukraine in the 2003/04 marketing year (July to June) will constitute about 3 million tonnes.

According to updated forecast of grain market experts, taking into account the performances of harvest of early grains and pulses and weather conditions in Ukraine, total grain crop in the country should be expected in the amount of 22.7 to 25.5 million tonnes. The government earlier forecasted the crop in the amount of 28.8 to 30.8 million tonnes.

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