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February 1 2011, 11:04 Fruit-Inform

Situation with carrot, beet and onion stocks in Ukraine is better than in 2010

According to information of Fruit-Inform Project, estimates of main vegetable stocks in Ukraine show that situation with carrots, beets and onions has somewhat improved in comparison with the last year.

As Andriy Yarmak, head of Fruit-Inform Project, was quoted to say, increase of stocks is primarily connected with increase of production in 2010 experienced notwithstanding difficult climate conditions, and overrated prices for borsch vegetables (beets, onions, cabbages, carrots) in autumn of 2010. “Sharp expansion of areas under root vegetables and onions led to growth of overall production approximately by 5% notwithstanding extreme climate conditions. Just imagine, how the production would have grown if the conditions had been at least slightly more favorable!” the expert continues.

As of today, prices for beets and carrots are 20-30% lower than a year earlier notwithstanding whole set of borsch vegetables and potatoes being 35% more expensive than in the same time of the previous year. Onions, notwithstanding growth of production and stocks, are 35% higher in price than in 2010 mainly due to overrated prices in the beginning of the season and growth of prices for onions in Europe.

The most complicated situation remains in cabbage and potato supply, as these categories are averagely 50% higher in price than a year before. Will carrots and beets be growing in price in spring? What prices will they have in the new season? How much will the areas under potatoes and other traditional vegetables expand? These and many other questions will be discussed during the third international conference “Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011”.

Participation in the conference was already confirmed by many leading vegetable and potato producers of Ukraine, as well as major suppliers of seeds, material and technical resources, machinery and equipment for growing, storage and post-harvest handling of produce. The general sponsor of the conference is Bayer company which includes one of the leaders in commercial vegetable seed market – Nunhems company. This event is to take place at Shuvar wholesale market, Lvov, Ukraine, February 24-25, 2011. On-line registration is available through this link.

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