Sweet cherries remain one of the most promising segment of Ukraine's fruit and vegetable business
According to Fruit-Inform Project, Ukraine's sweet cherry harvest in 2010 was the largest for last 5 years. In comparison with lean harvest in 2009, sweet cherry production grew by 38% to 73 thousand tonnes last year.
It should be mentioned that production increased against a background of reduction in bearing areas under sweet cherry orchards. Over last 5 years bearing areas decreased by 7%, and total areas under sweet cherry orchards became 17% smaller. So productivity was the main factor of last year's production growth, as it grew by 38% in comparison with 2009. And this means that technological level of sweet cherry production is improving in Ukraine from year to year.
Analysts think that sweet cherry production and sales business is one of the most promising in fruit and vegetable sector of Ukraine. This is corroborated by international trade balance showing Ukrainian sweet cherries to be strengthening their positions in the international market from year to year. In such a way, in 2010 Ukraine exported 2.5 times more sweet cherries than in 2009.
More detailed information about principal components of success in sweet cherry and other berry production will be covered during the Second International Conference “Berries of Ukraine-2011: Freezing and Fresh Market”. Application form for participation in the event is available through this link.