White cabbage overproduction in Russia. More than 10 times slump of prices over 4 months
According to Fruit-Inform Project, rapid slump of cabbage prices is in effect in Russia. Wholesale prices for white cabbages have already decreased to RUB 2-3/kg (EUR 0.05-0.08/kg) in Moscow. As to Kuban (southern region of Russia), producer prices fell even to RUB 1/kg (EUR 0.03/kg) there.
It should be noted that white cabbage prices reached RUB 32/kg (EUR 0.81/kg) in the mid-March this year. Accordingly, as of today, prices fell 10-15 times. In addition, current white cabbage prices are 5 times lower than a year before. Furthermore, according to Fruit-Inform Project's estimates, the price reduction is not exhausted in Russia's market for white cabbages this year.
More detailed information about fruit and vegetable price prospects in the Russian Federation will be presented during the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011” which will take place in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 14, 2011. Do not miss the unique opportunity to meet with leaders of the Russian fruit and vegetable market and get detailed information about present situation and development prospects of Russia's fruit and vegetable market! Registration of the conference participants is currently in active progress.