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August 4 2011, 14:40 Fruit-Inform

Preliminary Polish vegetable production forecast for 2011

According to, Central Statistical Office of Poland has announced its preliminary vegetable production forecast on the grounds of data received as of first ten days of July 2011. According to their preliminary estimates, Poland's vegetable production will amount to 4.3 mln tonnes in the current season that is averagely 50 thous. tonnes more than in the previous season.

The most considerable growth of production is estimated for onions: by 17 thous. tonnes to 600 thous. tonnes. Harvested volumes will grow also in respect of white cabbages (from 1.09 mln tonnes to 1.1 mln tonnes), carrots (from 815 thous. tonnes to 820 thous. tonnes), red beets (from 324 thous. tonnes to 330 thous. tonnes) and tomatoes (from 247 thous. tonnes to 255 thous. tonnes). Production of cauliflowers and field-grown cucumbers will not change in comparison with last year: 200 thous. tonnes and 250 thous. tonnes respectively.

At the same time, analysts of Polish Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics are more optimistic in their forecasts. According to their estimates, harvested volumes of white cabbages will reach 1.25 mln tonnes in 2011 that is 160 thous. tonnes more than in 2010. Cauliflower production will grow by 30 thous. tonnes to 230 thous. tonnes, onion production – by 172 thous. tonnes to 755 thous. tonnes, carrot production – by 35 thous. tonnes to 850 thous. tonnes. Red beet production will be 41 thous. tonnes more and reach 365 thous. tonnes, harvested volumes of field-grown tomatoes will grow by 13 thous. tonnes comparatively with 2010 and amount to 260 thous. tonnes, and field-grown cucumber production will amount to 260 thous. tonnes that is 10 thous. tonnes more. Production of other vegetables will increase by 89 thous. tonnes and reach 830 thous. tonnes.

Information about the impact of the situation in Poland's fruit and vegetable sector on the Russian market in the season 2011/12 will be presented during the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”. The event will take place in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 14, 2011. Registration of the conference participants is currently in active progress.

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