Low vegetable and potato prices in Ukraine nevertheless much higher than in Poland
According to Fruit-Inform, low prices for vegetables and potatoes in Ukraine making some producers abandon their business are now a dream for Polish farmers forced to sell their produce at even lower prices.
In particular, farmers from Poland sell potatoes and onions at EUR 0.05-0.06/kg. In such a way, onions and potatoes are twofold and 77% respectively more expensive in Ukraine than in Poland. Ukraine's carrot and white cabbage prices are 50% higher. Moreover, onion prices in the Netherlands are even lower than in Poland.
“Ukrainian farmers will have not an easy job to do this year, after 2 previous years of being real masters in the vegetable and potato markets. Now they will have to export a surplus of their produce to remove stress from the internal market”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, says. “Nevertheless, vegetable and potato exports will be feasible only in case of availability of competitive prices, as Ukraine has no advantages in quality over Poland and the Netherlands”, the expert adds.
More information about the current situation in the Russian and Ukrainian fresh produce markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly.
The preliminary Ukrainian fruit and vegetable price, production, import and export forecast for the following season will be announced at the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”. The event will take place in conjunction with Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair which will be held at IEC, the most up-to-date exhibition center of Ukraine in Kiev, from November 30 to December 2, 2011.
More information about Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011, its exhibitors and the exhibition floor plan is available on the official web-site. Application form for participation as an exhibitor is downloadable here. To participate in the conference, please fill out an application form.