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October 11 2011, 14:13 Fruit-Inform

Current studies of the fruit and vegetable market

Dear fruit and vegetable business participants,

Fruit-Inform regularly conducts analytical studies of the fruit and vegetable markets of Ukraine and other CIS countries.

As of today, our analysts are completing the updated version of the fundamental study “Fruit & Vegetable Market of Ukraine – 2011. Results and Forecasts for the Next Season”. The study will be available since October 18, 2011. The study's preview and purchase conditions are available here.

The following studies are as well topical at present:

- The fundamental study “The Market for Frozen Fruits, Berries and Vegetables of Ukraine and Russia”;

- “Potato Business of Russia and Ukraine - 2010. Present Situation and Prospects of Development”;

- “Ukraine Fresh Produce Cold Chain Study. Situation with Respect to Storage and Economics of Key Storable Crops”;

- “Apple study: Apple Business of Ukraine: Present Situation and 5-Year Outlook (Production, Market, Prices, Storage, PHH, Processing, Marketing)”;

- “State & Development Prospects of Fruit & Vegetable Trade through Retail Chains of Ukraine in Comparison with Poland - 2011”

In the nearest time, Fruit-Inform plans to conduct the updated study of the fresh produce cold chain in Ukraine, which will be presented till the start of the 8th International Conference ”Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”.

Fruit-Inform's analytical studies can be ordered at International Relations Department:

+380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

[email protected]

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