The value of Ukrainians' fruit and vegetable basket increasing for the 2nd week in a row
Fruit-Inform's fruit and vegetable index shows that the value of Ukrainians' fruit and vegetable basket grew by 5.2% last week. This is the second week of growth of the basket's value, after almost 6 months of its decrease. In the past 2 weeks, the basket's value increased by 14%.
As a week earlier, the last week's growth was experienced mainly thanks to the increase in prices for seasonal vegetables (cucumbers and tomatoes), which become 30% more expensive week-on-week. Table grapes made their contribution too, as they increased in price by 40-50% week-on-week.
“The growth of prices for seasonal vegetables and fruits is accompanied by the sharp decrease of their consumption. Therefore, consumption of traditional vegetables and potatoes is growing”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, says. “However, higher consumption of traditional vegetables and potatoes has no positive impact on prices for them, which as before tend towards lowering”, the expert continues.
It should be noted that white cabbage prices were again reduced last week due to the start of harvesting of late varieties. Minimum prices for other vegetables suitable for storage often decreased too. In addition, lemon prices kept on falling last week.
More information about the current situation in the Russian and Ukrainian fresh produce markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly.
The preliminary Ukrainian fruit & vegetable price, production, import and export forecast for the following season will be announced at the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”. The event will take place in conjunction with Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair which will be held at IEC, the most up-to-date exhibition center of Ukraine in Kiev, from November 30 to December 2, 2011.
More information about Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011, its exhibitors and the exhibition floor plan is available on the official web-site. Application form for participation as an exhibitor is downloadable here. To participate in the conference, please fill out an application form.