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December 20 2011, 10:22 Fruit-Inform

Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers to be a partner of the largest potato forum in the Eastern Europe

Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers (UAPP) representing the interests of the biggest commercial potato growers from Ukraine took a decision to be the co-organizer of the 4th International Conference “Potatoes and Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012”, which will take place in Kiev, Ukraine, February 16-17, 2012.

“It is “Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine”, where the concept of UAPP, the only professional potato business organization in Ukraine, was elaborated several years ago, therefore it is hard to imagine the largest potato business event in Ukraine and the Eastern Europe without this association”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, says. “Organizers decided to give UAPP a status of the co-organizer that will help it make the conference program most interesting for potato growers and grant favorable participation conditions to its members”, Mrs. Getman continues.

As of today, among the members of UAPP we may find such well-known potato companies as Mriya, Impak, Vladam, Chernigovelitkartofel, Adelaida, Agrofirma im. Gorkogo, Chernigov Industrial Dairy Company, Agrico Ukraine, Avgust, Eldorado and many others.

The conference plan will traditionally be divided into 2 days. The conference sessions will be held at President Hotel on the first conference day (February 16, 2012), while the second day (February 17, 2012) will be devoted to the business-tour to a company engaged in post-harvesting and storing potatoes and vegetables. In view of this season's potato and vegetable overproduction problem, all conference participants will receive a strong marketing support from the organizers as well as the first fundamental production and price forecast for the next season.

The conference organizers expect a number of participants to exceed 150 delegates from 10-12 countries of the world with the Eastern European potato and vegetable producers accounting for the largest part of them. Their participation has been already confirmed by a wide range of different companies. Furthermore, your participation will be even more advantageous thanks to special conditions granted to Ukrainian farmers that will guarantee a high level of their attendance!

More detailed information about the conference will soon be available on Fruit-Inform web-site. Would you have any questions regarding the 4th International Conference “Potatoes and Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012”, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform Project by phone: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin), or via e-mail: [email protected].

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