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April 24 2012, 12:33 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine's largest berry forum to start its work in a month

The 3rd International Conference “Berries of Ukraine – 2012: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market” will start its work in a month, May 24, 2012, Kiev, Ukraine. The conference is organized by Fruit-Informand Association of Wholesale Markets of Ukraine. Bayer CropScience and Astra are its sponsors.

The conference will be held in a mixed format. The conference sessions are scheduled for May 24 at Stolychnyi Agricultural Center, Kiev. As of today, the sessional program is 85% completed. The conference speakers were joined by representatives of the following leading companies: Buhler AG, Ukrainian Vegetable Company (UVC), EuroDnepr, SIPPO and others.

During the second conference day (May 25), the delegates will be able to visit Sirius (Cherkassy region), the company specialized in growing and processing berries. The business-tour will be available for about 50 delegates of the first conference day. 30 delegates have already confirmed their participation in the business-tour.

Altogether, the conference will be attended by more than 150 delegates from 9-11 countries throughout the world. English and Russian are the conference working languages.

Pay your attention that applications for participation are accepted till May 18.

More detailed information about the conference, sessional program, conditions of participation and application form are available here.

Would you have any questions regarding participation in the conference, please, contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Mr. Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected].

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