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December 23 2003, 13:27 BelTA

Belarusian farms increased production of milk in Jan.-Nov.

In January-November Belarusian farms produced 2.84 million tonnes of milk, which is by 11,400 tonnes or 0.4 percent more than in the same months last year, BELTA agency informed with reference to the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis. According to statisticians, the share of the sold milk in its total production stayed at the level of January-November last year and constituted 76.1 percent.

The ministry informed that average yield of milk per one cow constituted 2.443 kilos, which is 3 percent more than in the same months of 2002. Productivity of milk herd has increased in all the Oblasts, excluding Minsk one, where the average milk yields decreased 5 percent.

Over the last two months of winter stall herd breeding (October-November) the production of milk increased 12 percent form the same months last year.

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