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December 30 2003, 15:31 Interfax-Ukraine

Ukraine's government concerned by price drop for milling grain

Ukrainian government is worried by drop of domestic prices for milling grain, caused by low demand in conditions of vast supplies, Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture Ivan Kyrylenko told reporters on Monday, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

"The price is falling without good reason. This is a bad symptom. There is no buyer", he said.

He said that in Dnepropetrovsk Region, for instance, milling wheat was being now offered at 1,190 hryvnias per tonne, while it had been imported at 1,200-1,250 hryvnias (5.33 hryvnias = $1).

Ukraine has been actively importing grain from Russia and Kazakhstan. According to the news agency, market experts are forecasting resumption of the price growth since February 2004 because of drop in supplies and re-orientation of Ukrainian imports onto more expensive Canadian and US grain.

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