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March 19 2004, 15:11 Interfax-Ukraine

PM thinks it necessary to leave export tax for sunseeds unchanged

During the voyage to Poltava the Prime-Minister of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich said it's necessary to leave export tax for sunflower seeds unchanged at 17 percent. He added that the current export tax for sunflower seeds satisfies both domestic crushers and exporters of oil seeds.

V. Yanukovich is supported by the Agrarian Policy Minister Victor Slauta. According to V. Slauta, at present oilseed industry of Ukraine has significantly increased its production and export due to 17% of export tax. Besides, profitable price for sunflower seeds was set for crushers on the Ukrainian market.

In June 2003 the Ministry of Economy and for the Issues of European Integration planned to reduce the export tax for sunflower seeds from 17 to 15 percent. It was even agreed with domestic oilseed enterprises.

According to Agrarian Policy Ministry, in 2004 2,8 million tonnes of sunflower seeds in Ukraine is forecasted, down 34 percent last year. In 2003 there was harvested 4,2 million tonnes of sunflower seeds, up 30 percent in 2002.

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