Higher fresh produce price index in Ukraine
Fruit-Inform's fresh produce price index has sharply jumped in Ukraine last week. The index growth rate amounted to 8.8% week-on-week due to the end of the season of field-grown vegetables in the country and consumers switching over to greenhouse produce.
“Higher fresh produce price index is a result of a sharp jump in prices of cucumbers and tomatoes that became 80% higher last week”, says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. “At the same time, prices of traditional vegetables kept on decreasing under the influence of a seasonal factor”.
As usual, the least price fluctuations were registered in the Ukrainian fruit segment.
We would remind you that the leaders of the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable sector as well as the global industry representatives will gather at Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012 Expo, Kiev, November 28-30, 2012.
The exhibition will host two major fruit and vegetable events of the Eastern Europe: the 9th International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012” and the 2nd Ukrainian-Russian Trade Forum with more than 25 retailers and importers ready to conduct negotiations with domestic and foreign produce suppliers.
For more detailed information about the events, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel/fax: +380 562 320795 Ukraine
tel/fax: +7 495 7894419 Russia
cell: +380 96 5836323 Ievgen Kuzin
e-mail: [email protected]