Lower apple storage potential in Russia and Ukraine
Due to too fast ripening, many Russian and Ukrainian growers think that apple storage potential can be lower than usual in the countries this year. The problem is that only some farmers responded to this season's climatic conditions in time. Because of warm summer, apples have ripened at least 2 weeks earlier than usual. Some farms picked overripen fruits that were not able to be kept for a long time even in the most up-to-date storage facilities. In connection with that, the market experts think that the percentage of losses during storage may grow significantly in Russia and Ukraine.
Fruit-Inform estimates that Russian and Ukrainian farmers annually lose up to 12-13% of their crop during storage. This year the percentage of losses may increase at least to 15-16%.
We would remind you that the apple business will be given high attention at the 9th International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012”, while domestic and foreign apple suppliers will be able to conduct direct negotiations with retailers and importers at the 2nd Ukrainian-Russian Trade Forum.
Both events will be held in conjunction with Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012 Expo, Kiev, November 28-30, 2012.
For more detailed information, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel/fax: +380 562 320795 Ukraine
tel/fax: +7 495 7894419 Russia
cell: +380 96 5836323 Ievgen Kuzin
e-mail: [email protected]