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December 21 2012, 10:02 Fito-Mag

Netherlands' 2012 apple production to be 25% lower

Netherlands' apple production will be 25% lower year-on-year in 2012. According to WAPA (World Apple & Pear Association) data, current apple harvest in the Netherlands will be one of the lowest in the past decade and amount to just 313,000 tonnes.

It should be noted that such a situation is a result of lower production of major apple varieties grown in the country. WAPA analysts estimate Elstar production to be 33% lower year-on-year (116,000 tonnes), while Jonagold production will decrease by 34% to 87,000 tonnes. The share of these apples in Netherlands' total production in 2012 is expected to amount to 65%, while in the previous season their share reached 73%.

Dutch growers will also pick less Boskoop apples (13,000 tonnes that is 32% lower year-on-year). At the same time, Golden Delicious production will not change compared with the previous season and remain at the level of 24,000 tonnes.

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