Russian and Ukrainian apple growers prefer to sell their fruits to wholesale companies
According to the data of the fundamental study “Apples of Ukraine & Russia — 2013: Present Situation and Prospects in Growing, Storage, Handling, Processing and Marketing” conducted by Fruit-Inform analysts, the most interesting sales channel for many Russian and Ukrainian apple growers is sale to large wholesale companies, which supply fruits and vegetables to retail chains and markets. As a rule, such companies have their own logistics channels. Some of them defray all sorting and packaging expenses. In addition, prices they offer are the highest among large buyers.
At the same time, wholesale companies keep on increasing their requirements to produce, and handling expenses more often are defrayed by growers. Such a trend is especially appreciable in the Russian Federation, where it is very difficult to sell ungraded apples without packaging. In addition, retail chains' expansion and their desire to operate with growers directly negatively affects this segment's attractiveness.
We would remind you that more detailed information about Russian and Ukrainian apple business with 5-year outlook is available in the fundamental study “Apples of Ukraine & Russia — 2013: Present Situation and Prospects in Growing, Storage, Handling, Processing and Marketing”.
The study's preview is available here:
To order the study, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
Ievgen Kuzin
phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341
cell: +380 96 5836323
email: [email protected]