High competition in Russian AJC market
Russian AJC (apple juice concentrate) manufacturers say of continuous sales troubles due to high competition with sellers of imported AJC. Only in the period from July 2012 to March 2013 the Russian Federation increased AJC imports by 19% year-on-year to 67,600 tonnes. China accounted for about 53% of Russia's total AJC imports. The share of Ukraine reached 34%.
At the same time, the majority of Russian manufacturers do not reduce prices. Simultaneously, sellers of Chinese AJC periodically bring prices down taking into account moderate demand and some problems with quality. Chinese AJC is offered now averagely at $1.10-2.20/kg in Russia. Prices of Ukrainian AJC vary between $1.30-1.80/kg. Domestic AJC is most often shipped at $1.20-2.50/kg.
We would remind you that more detailed information about Russian and Ukrainian apple business with 5-year outlook is available in the fundamental study “Apples of Ukraine & Russia — 2013: Present Situation and Prospects in Growing, Storage, Handling, Processing and Marketing”.
The study's preview is available here: http://www.fruit-inform.com/en/researches/apples2013
To order the study, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
Ievgen Kuzin
phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341
cell: +380 96 5836323
email: [email protected]