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June 4 2013, 17:15 Fruit-Inform

Golden Bunch of Grapes 2013. Registration going on

Registration of participation in the International Exhibition-Conference “Golden Bunch of Grapes 2013” goes on. The event is to take place on August 22-24, 2013, Simferopol, Ukraine.

At the exhibition, all participants will be able to get acquainted with new hybrids and varieties of table grapes showcased by their authors. Their participation has been already confirmed by many leading table grape breeders.

Smolensk Breeding Center of Northern Vine Growing will present varieties, machinery and anti-frost protection technologies for table grapes enabling to successfully grow high-quality produce. The exhibition will also involve International Association of Viticulturists and Winemakers from Novocherkassk, Russia.

The organizers would like to draw special attention to participation of Organic Produce Production, Consumption and Circulation Support Project implemented in Ukraine with assistance of German International Cooperation Society (GIZ). The Project will present “Practical guide for protection of vines against principal diseases and pests in ecological (organic) viticulture” conducted by Swiss Organic Agriculture Scientific and Research Institute (FiBL).

The exhibition will also showcase organic grapes grown with the use of innovative agent “Bionur”, biological and integrated protection systems for vineyards and many others.

More detailed information about the conference, exhibition, conditions of participation, program of events, sponsorship and advertising opportunities as well as application form are available on the official web-site.

To take part in the event, please fill out a registration form available here.

Would you have any questions regarding the events, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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