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November 4 2013, 13:26 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine keeps on reducing juice imports

According to State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the country keeps on reducing imports of fruit and vegetable juices in the current season.

Ukraine's juice imports reached record low 2,000 tons in September 2013, a decrease of 20% from the same month of the previous year. Cumulative imports over the period from July to September 2013 amounted to 6,600 tons, a decrease of 15% year-on-year.

We would remind you that Ukraine reduced imports of fruit and vegetable juices by 19% to 38,000 tons in the season 2012/13 with the Netherlands, Brazil, Russia, Belgium and Moldova being the largest exporters.

More detailed information about the Eastern European fruit and vegetable market developments will be presented at the 10th Anniversary International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2013”, November 26-28, 2013, International Exhibition Center, Kiev, Ukraine.

Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Mr Ievgen Kuzin

tel: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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