Slight decrease in EU onion production
Despite rather unfavorable weather conditions in the majority of the EU countries, the onion production decreased just by 6% year-on-year, said Dr. Hans-Christoph Behr, AMI, at the 10th International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2013”, which was held on November 26-27, 2013, Kiev.
It was an increase in area under onions in many EU countries to help avoid even larger decrease in total production.
In particular, Poland expanded areas by 8.3%, France – by 5.4%, Norway – by 5%. Areas under onions grew by 4.3% in Spain, by 3.6% in Germany and the Netherlands, by 3.1% in Hungary, and by 1.8% in Austria. At the same time, a decrease of 0.5% was registered in the UK, and areas in Italy went down by 2%. The largest decrease in areas was observed in Denmark: by 9.9% compared with last year.