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December 10 2013, 12:49 Fruit-Inform

Russia: stagnating white cabbage market

The Russian white cabbage market is still stagnating, according to Fruit-Inform. Sales remain low even in the regions where a fall in temperature has been registered leading to slightly higher demand for other vegetables.

Under those conditions, many Russian farmers do not plan long-term storage of white cabbage being concerned about storage costs to be unrepaid again.

In such a way, against a background of relatively low purchasing activity, large supply of produce significantly affects prices. For the present, many Russian farms are ready to ship white cabbage at prices lower than in December 2012, when the price levels were record low. For the present, minimum prices of white cabbage stand at 0.09 euro/kg in Russia. Prices of high-quality produce reach 0.17 euro/kg. In the same period of the previous season, minimum prices of white cabbage amounted to 0.11 euro/kg.

How will the situation in Russia impact the Ukrainian market for potatoes and vegetables? This and many other questions will be answered at the 6th International Conference “Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014”, which is to be held on February 20, Kiev.

Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Mr Ievgen Kuzin

tel: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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