Russia: record high imports of juices in December 2013
According to the official statistics, Russia's imports of fruit and vegetable juices were record high in December 2013.
The import volumes totaled 27,000 tons, an increase of 70% compared with December 2012, when Russian importers had purchased just 16,000 tons of juices.
Despite higher imports in December, Russia's cumulative imports over the first half of the season 2013/14 decreased by 5% year-on-year and amounted to 118,000 tons.
We would remind you that Russia imported 244,000 tons of fruit and vegetable juices in the previous season. China was the leader in exports to the Russian Federation with the share of 21% in Russia's total imports. Ukraine's share also amounted to 21%. The Netherlands were the third largest exporter with the share of 17%.