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May 12 2014, 12:58 Fruit-Inform

Applications for participation in Ukraine's leading berry event to be accepted for 5 days

Applications for participation in the 5th Anniversary International Conference “Berries of Ukraine-2014: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market” will be accepted for 5 days – until May 16th, inclusive.

The conference program is fully completed and includes the subjects most relevant for the berry business of the country: from the fresh and frozen berry market outlook to produce growing, handling, processing, storage technologies as well as marketing approaches.

By tradition, on the second conference day, registered delegates will be able to visit Podillya Ltd, the enterprise that is involved in berry production, cooling and processing.

We would remind you that the conference will be held on May 22-23, Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Bayer CropScience is the General Sponsor of the Conference.

To join the leading berry market participants from Ukraine and other countries of the world, please fill out an application form.

The conference program, conditions of participation and advertising opportunities are available on the official web-site.

The conference delegates can book accommodation in the hotel of Feride Plaza, which hosts the event. Accommodation costs are not included in the conference fee. More information is available here.

Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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