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October 29 2004, 13:55 Agrarian Marketing Project

Sales season for melon and water-melon is nearly finished in Ukraine

According to Agricultural Marketing Project information, the cucurbits crops supply is stopped on Ukrainian market this week, that means the end of season. The farmers say that harvest was good this year, and the weather with enough rainfalls contributed to it. At the same time, melon taste qualities have been much worse than in the previous seasons, and this fact caused problems with melon sales. However, water-melon taste qualities have suffered not so much, and price for this commodity was rather favorable for the producers, so the water-melon sales of this season were rather profitable.

The main producers of cucurbits crops in Ukraine are Kherson and Zaporizhzhya oblasts. In particular, these two oblasts produce up to 70% of the total water-melon production in Ukraine. According to the experts' assessment, the volume of retail water-melon sales market in Ukraine is amounted to 350-400 mln UAH, or 65-75 USD $.

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